Do I Need Income Protection?

Recent event across the globe have highlighted the importance of income protection and the reasons why every working adult in the UK should consider income protection as a sound financial investment.

There is always that slight chance that we will fall ill or suffer an accident and not be able to get to work, and then what happens to our income?

One thing that immediately springs to mind is the bills, rent, mortgage, food shopping, and all the essentials that still need to be paid.

Many people are losing sleep right now worrying about the future of their monthly salary. Imagine not having to worry about day-to-day expenditure - this is where income protection kicks in.

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How does income protection work?

Income Protection works by paying you a regular income similar to that of your salary. In fact, this financial product speaks for itself in that an income protection insurance policy replaces lost income due to sickness, illness, preventing you from getting to work.

Income protection plans the policyholder for any debilitating medical incapacity that prevents him or her from working, including periods of sickness, accidents and injuries.

Depending on the level of cover and providing you keep up with the monthly premiums, an income protection policy will continue for the duration of your working life until retirement age.

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Why should I take out income protection insurance?

According to recent research and statistics, the risk of losing a monthly income is substantially higher than people imagine.

The circumstances of long-term absence from work due to illness or injury can cause severe financial hardship. How would you cope with the monthly outgoings if you stop earning?

Income protection provides a level of financial support until you can get back on your feet.

In addition, if you have a home and a young family, income protection provides the peace of mind that you are protecting your salary and your assets when that time comes and you find yourself unable to bring home that important monthly wage.

Income protection will ensure you keep up monthly mortgage repayments even when you cannot work, preventing any situation where you might lose your home.

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